Friday, May 28, 2010

Garrett in the Box

When I just don't know what else to do to entertain Mason...I can always count on Garrett for some creative ideas....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Been a while...

It's been a long time but I have a very good excuse...Mason was born and my school work is now kicking into high gear...

Mason has been a very good baby and he is growing like a weed...he is now 4 1/2 months old...

Garrett has been enjoying Mason and Mason adores Garrett. Whenever Garrett is in the room Mason can't take his eyes off of him...Garrett is growing so fast too...he will be 8 in about a month...

Getting ready to take my comprehensive exams in a couple of months and then I will be a Doctoral Canidate...basically means that all classwork is done and dissertation left to do...the fun has just begun...fingers crossed that a year from now I will be writing about my up coming graduation and new job searches...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

School has begun for all...

The kids and I are all officially back in school. Kayla and Brandon are in the 8th grade and have settled into their new schedules and routines really well. Garrett is in the 2nd grade and after a few anxious first days he has also settled in well. Teachers have already commented on how much he has grown up and how much he talks about his (soon to arrive) baby brother.

I started teaching this week and one of my classes I am taking has already started the rest start this coming week. I know I am insane, taking 3 classes and teaching one when I am due the first week in November...CRAZY!!!

Everyone is well. Not the least bit ready for this baby and slowly but surely having a nervous breakdown about it but other than that everything here is okay.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yeah...School Starts Soon...

Haven't updated in a while because we have been stuck in the mundane routine of Summer...nothing really exciting going on here.

Everyone is all ready for and clothes all bought....

Thought I could share a couple of new pics...

Still have about 3 months till the baby is here...still waiting on bed to arrive...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

24 Weeks

I am 24 weeks pregnant and am trying to get myself prepared for this little one that will be here before we know it...

Since my last post, the kids and I traveled to VA and had a great time with was pretty much hanging out, I couldn't do a lot because of getting tired so easily. The kids really enjoyed the flight and getting to see mountains again.

School starts for the kids in about 3 weeks and a little over a month for me...not looking forward to all the work that is to come but I just want it to get here so it can be over...

Still waiting for the baby furniture to arrive...hope it gets here soon so i can have the baby room some what done before the craziness of Fall semester arrives...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer is flying by...the kids and I have finally gotten used to Warren working nights...I get a lot done in the quiet during the day and I am not scared of every noise I hear at night anymore...

It has been nice for him to be home during the day because he is able to go places with us...on Tuesday we all went to the pool together as a family and that was really nice...he kept me company and impressed the kids with his high dive skills...

The baby is still very very active...I am just so floored at how different this pregnancy has been from being pregnant with Garrett...I feel great, just can't over do it...I get tired very easy...

Warren and I have a date night tomorrow...first in a long time...we are going to KC Improv to see comedian Josh Blue...we have seen him before and love should be a fun night...we better take advantage of it now come November I don't know how many date nights we will get...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nursery Furniture...

Ordered the furniture for our new little man...