Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer is flying by...the kids and I have finally gotten used to Warren working nights...I get a lot done in the quiet during the day and I am not scared of every noise I hear at night anymore...

It has been nice for him to be home during the day because he is able to go places with us...on Tuesday we all went to the pool together as a family and that was really nice...he kept me company and impressed the kids with his high dive skills...

The baby is still very very active...I am just so floored at how different this pregnancy has been from being pregnant with Garrett...I feel great, just can't over do it...I get tired very easy...

Warren and I have a date night tomorrow...first in a long time...we are going to KC Improv to see comedian Josh Blue...we have seen him before and love should be a fun night...we better take advantage of it now come November I don't know how many date nights we will get...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nursery Furniture...

Ordered the furniture for our new little man...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Routine

I think we have finally hit on a routine for the summer...Warren is working nights, so the house must be quiet during the day. I don't mind the quiet. I am able to get reading and writing done and grade papers and post for the online course I am teaching.

It has worked out great to get the kids up in the mornings and feed them and then kick them out of the house till lunch. After lunch I try to either have something planned like swimming, library, ice cream etc. and if nothing is planned I just kick them out for another couple hours till Warren wakes up. I find that I am able to get a lot done and I am looking forward to a productive summer.

The baby is kicking and moving around like crazy. He is so active! I hope that isn't any indication of what my life will be like come November...we moved Kayla and Garrett's rooms around and are trying to make a space to fit the crib and a small dresser...its going to be a squeeze but I think we will be fine. Garrett will be sharing a room with the the time Garrett is wanting his own room K and B will be out of the house and we should have the room to separate the 2 youngest ones...

Enough rambling....better go and grade papers and check on the discussion posts... :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rainy day here in KS...took the kids bowling...Garrett's game has drastically improved since we got the Wii and the game "Midnight Bowling"...amazing!!! They had fun, only been a week since they got out of school for the summer but feels like more to me. Hope I can keep them entertained all summer. :)

It's a Boy!

Went to the DR yesterday and had a sono. The baby was so very active and so very healthy! I was very relieved that my baby was healthy and amazed that what they were showing me on that screen was in my tummy...I mean I have been through this before but it is still the most amazing experience! DR said he was 100% sure it is a boy...I teared up for a moment to think that God is blessing me with the "challenge" and privilege of raising another boy. I think I am a boy raising kinda mom anyway so I was very happy. Warren wanted to even out the numbers around here but either way we were both very excited that we have a heathy baby on the way! Now I can start buying all kinds of boy stuff and get my nursery ready...this is really happening...I have wanted another baby for so long and thought it woud never happen...when will I learn that things happen when you least expect them...