Saturday, August 22, 2009

School has begun for all...

The kids and I are all officially back in school. Kayla and Brandon are in the 8th grade and have settled into their new schedules and routines really well. Garrett is in the 2nd grade and after a few anxious first days he has also settled in well. Teachers have already commented on how much he has grown up and how much he talks about his (soon to arrive) baby brother.

I started teaching this week and one of my classes I am taking has already started the rest start this coming week. I know I am insane, taking 3 classes and teaching one when I am due the first week in November...CRAZY!!!

Everyone is well. Not the least bit ready for this baby and slowly but surely having a nervous breakdown about it but other than that everything here is okay.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Yeah...School Starts Soon...

Haven't updated in a while because we have been stuck in the mundane routine of Summer...nothing really exciting going on here.

Everyone is all ready for and clothes all bought....

Thought I could share a couple of new pics...

Still have about 3 months till the baby is here...still waiting on bed to arrive...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

24 Weeks

I am 24 weeks pregnant and am trying to get myself prepared for this little one that will be here before we know it...

Since my last post, the kids and I traveled to VA and had a great time with was pretty much hanging out, I couldn't do a lot because of getting tired so easily. The kids really enjoyed the flight and getting to see mountains again.

School starts for the kids in about 3 weeks and a little over a month for me...not looking forward to all the work that is to come but I just want it to get here so it can be over...

Still waiting for the baby furniture to arrive...hope it gets here soon so i can have the baby room some what done before the craziness of Fall semester arrives...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer is flying by...the kids and I have finally gotten used to Warren working nights...I get a lot done in the quiet during the day and I am not scared of every noise I hear at night anymore...

It has been nice for him to be home during the day because he is able to go places with us...on Tuesday we all went to the pool together as a family and that was really nice...he kept me company and impressed the kids with his high dive skills...

The baby is still very very active...I am just so floored at how different this pregnancy has been from being pregnant with Garrett...I feel great, just can't over do it...I get tired very easy...

Warren and I have a date night tomorrow...first in a long time...we are going to KC Improv to see comedian Josh Blue...we have seen him before and love should be a fun night...we better take advantage of it now come November I don't know how many date nights we will get...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nursery Furniture...

Ordered the furniture for our new little man...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Routine

I think we have finally hit on a routine for the summer...Warren is working nights, so the house must be quiet during the day. I don't mind the quiet. I am able to get reading and writing done and grade papers and post for the online course I am teaching.

It has worked out great to get the kids up in the mornings and feed them and then kick them out of the house till lunch. After lunch I try to either have something planned like swimming, library, ice cream etc. and if nothing is planned I just kick them out for another couple hours till Warren wakes up. I find that I am able to get a lot done and I am looking forward to a productive summer.

The baby is kicking and moving around like crazy. He is so active! I hope that isn't any indication of what my life will be like come November...we moved Kayla and Garrett's rooms around and are trying to make a space to fit the crib and a small dresser...its going to be a squeeze but I think we will be fine. Garrett will be sharing a room with the the time Garrett is wanting his own room K and B will be out of the house and we should have the room to separate the 2 youngest ones...

Enough rambling....better go and grade papers and check on the discussion posts... :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rainy day here in KS...took the kids bowling...Garrett's game has drastically improved since we got the Wii and the game "Midnight Bowling"...amazing!!! They had fun, only been a week since they got out of school for the summer but feels like more to me. Hope I can keep them entertained all summer. :)

It's a Boy!

Went to the DR yesterday and had a sono. The baby was so very active and so very healthy! I was very relieved that my baby was healthy and amazed that what they were showing me on that screen was in my tummy...I mean I have been through this before but it is still the most amazing experience! DR said he was 100% sure it is a boy...I teared up for a moment to think that God is blessing me with the "challenge" and privilege of raising another boy. I think I am a boy raising kinda mom anyway so I was very happy. Warren wanted to even out the numbers around here but either way we were both very excited that we have a heathy baby on the way! Now I can start buying all kinds of boy stuff and get my nursery ready...this is really happening...I have wanted another baby for so long and thought it woud never happen...when will I learn that things happen when you least expect them...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

June 1st may be the Day!

My appointment is Monday and am hoping the baby will cooperate and we can find out if a boy or girl is on the way. It's driving me crazy not to be able to start buying yet...
The kids are out of school and I am trying my best to keep them to the lake tomorrow....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Brief Baby Update...

Went to the OB yesterday and heard the heartbeat...all sounds great!!! My DR referred me to a specialist to do my sonogram since I am of "mature maternal age"...when I get more info on that date I will post but for now the waiting game continues...just want to find out boy or girl so I can start the buying frenzy!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week 15

Today is week 15 of the the last week I can really feel lots of movement from the baby! It's very reassuring when I feel little flutters...I know all is ok. I go to the DR. tomorrow and hopefully they will schedule the long awaited ultrasound where we can find out if we are having a boy or girl...once again...(just like when I was pregnant with Garrett) I have picked out tons of girl names but am at a lost for a boy's chances are on another boy...we really don't care if we have a boy or girl, we are just excited about a new little one in the family...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Topeka Zoo

The whole family went to the Topeka Zoo yesterday and we all had a very good time...I made several attempts at videoing the fun and this was the only decent clip I had...still trying to master the camera...

Monday, May 11, 2009

New Baby

For those of you that haven't heard the good news....I am having a baby in November! The whole family is super excited about the new arrival. In about 5 more weeks we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I have already picked out the bedding for each (girl=top picture, boy=2nd picture) I will be all set when we find out. We don't really have a preference but a girl would even things out around would be 3 boys and 3 girls in the family...that may be nice!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Harlem Globe Trotters

That's right...HGT...the family and I went to see the HGT and the kids had a blast!!! They laughed and thought the players were amazing...don't get me wrong the HGT's really are excellent ball players but it was so obviously over the top rigged that it was almost embarrassingly funny. That's why when the kids asked us if it was all "made up" Warren and I laughed like there was no tomorrow...duh!

I have been in "organization and clean up mode" for the past 3 or 4 days...bought bookshelves and baskets and totes to help me organize...better get it done now before the semester starts back...

Already buying my books for Spring semester classes...just keep thinking how I only have one more semester of classes then its comps and dissertation...then I am done...time sure flies when you are having fun!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Wow, another year has come and gone...I used to roll my eyes and shake my head when my mom would say that "time flies faster and faster each year" but she was right...this year I plan to make a new start on a few things in my life...the first is weight loss (bet that was a shocker) the second is to devote more time to my family and the third is to keep up with this blog thing... hope i can stick with at least one of the 3...

New year's day was a quiet one at my house...we all played the Wii that Santa brought and hung out at the house today...we have tickets to see the Harlem Globe Trotters tomorrow night and then the usually "getting rid of Christmas" routine before school starts on Monday...

I always seem to struggle with the "blues" this time of year and it seems to last until March...hoping for a busy few months to keep my mind active and my spirits up...
Wishing all a Happy New Year full of Cheer!!!!1